Tuesday, November 11, 2014

When I get home...

So for this weeks blog I am going to talk about our veterans who keep our homes safe. I have decided to share with you the last letter a soldier wrote to his mom and dad on May 22 1946.

May 20, 1946

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you?  You haven't heard from me in quite awhile now have you?

I am on my way home believe it or not.  I left Japan April 15th and got here yesterday so you can see it is slow going. I am on a L.S.T. which is used for beach landings and are very slow. We only go about eight miles an hour.

I know tomorrow is your birthday momma. I was hoping when I left Japan I would make it. But on this tub there is no hope. I should be home a civilian in six to eight weeks. 

We left Japan and went by Okinawa then to Guam and stayed there for a week. We left there and went to en Eniwetok which is in the marshalls and now Pearl Harbor. 

Don't bother to write to me because it will never get to me.

I have met a kid from New Castle, ME. He knows where Wescasset is where Sid and I went and knows the people also. His Aunt lives in Spencer so after he is discharged I will be seeing him. 

I have been wondering how everything is at home because it has been six weeks since I have heard from you. 

It is 10 o'clock at night now so I am just about asleep.

I intend to call you when I get to the West Coast. I will have to reverse the charges because I am broke. We didn't draw any pay when we left. 

It has really changed since the last time I was in Pearl. Before it was really busy but it is dead now. 

What am I going to (do) when I get home? That is the question.  Everybody else on here is the same way. I guess that is the $64 questions. 

I guess I better sign off now. Happy Birthday Mom. I will be home for yours Pop. I hope you are all right. 

Love Richard. 

Mundane but where every soldier's mind is when he is off defending his country. So thank you to the men, women and dogs of the past, present and future defending our nation on its shores and abroad and they all come home as safe as the soldier pictured above.

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