Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gathered in cloth

In do it yourself number 3 I want to show you the newest thing I have learned, gathering fabric. A centuries old technique to create volumes but I am also sure the dread of every sewer every where. Getting them even, not giving in the desire to cry as you try over and over again.  Alright it might just be me but still, only thing I hate more is pleats, and that trick I will show you next week. Here is the easy way to do gathers (And thank you to the person who discribed this to me.)

STEP 1 :First choose your fabric and set your sewing machine to the lowest/longest stitch on the stitch gage.

STEP 2: Sew a line where you want to gather the fabric. Do not use the reverse during this process. 

STEP 2 1/2: take off the machine sit in you favorite chair and enjoy the time you just saved.

STEP 3: Firmly grasp the bottom thread of the line you just stitched snd gently pull. Moving cloth as you go to get an even gather.

I did it evenly on both sides towards the middle to not put too much stress on the thread. 

STEP 4: Enjoy the ease of a 4 step process as you add your finishing touch.

There you go. 4 steps, no muss, no fuss, and nice gathers. Till next week.

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