Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wobbles of the...

I hate feeling sick and it takes a lot for me to either call in or go home sick. Partly cause I love my job, partly cause I have do few sick days, and partly I hate the idea of being at home doing nothing. Now here's where you are thinking, you can knit, or sew, why wouldn't you want to be home. Well because knitting and all that other stuff I do to clear my mind and it is hard to clear my mind when I am trying not to cast (vomit) all over said projects.

At work I can interpret around illness. Actually it is one of the most common questions. What do you do (who do you see) when you are ill? I like turning that on the visitors and ask them it back. I think as we grow older the instinct for the answer changes. Most adults respond with "Go to the doctor", where children respond with "go to my mommy."

The dependency on doctors is a late 20th early 21st century idea. For hundreds of years doctors/physicians, apothecaries/pharmacists, and surgeons/barbers/dentists where a last resort. First you went to your mother, who would then teach you.  It was only when nothing seemed to be working did you go to the doctor. In some cases skip the doctor because the apothecary was were the doctor sent you anyways and many thought they were smarter.

First though moms would try there own remedies.  Infusions of mint for the wobbly belly, margrim for wobbles of the mind, sage for runny noses, salves of clary sage for sore muscles, house leeks (hens and chicks) for burns and cuts, roses for melancholy and it goes on. Now we take aspirin filled with things we can't pronounce  (I am guilty too). We forget simple treatments and time are just as good for wobbles of the...

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