Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blanketed in love

When I was little there was a long afghan my mother had knitted when she was laid up after breaking a few bones. It was long, covered in cables, beige in color and absolutely gorgeous. She is so proud of the work that she put into and my brother constantly fought over it. It was so warm and I loved wrapping myself up in it and curling up near the woodstove with a good book. My brother thought so too. It has lasted through my brothers and my destruction. We destroyed so much and that lived. It is still on the couch for me to use when I visit home.

When I was a baby my Aunty G crocheted me a multi-colored blanket, it is small, but I have used it throughout my life, the perfect lap blanket, the colors have faded a little and it has broken in places but I just fix them up.

As I grew up and went off to college, my cousin T gave me a new blanket, covered in blue and green with little frogs, it folded into a pillow and when you folded it out it had a little hidey hole for my feet. I love that blanket. It went with me on every swim meet, and It still sits in my living room. It was the perfect studying blanket and it helped me stay warm on the cold swim bus rides to and from meets.

A few years later my Grandfather died and I drifted towards a beautiful rainbow crocheted blanket made by his mother. It sits on the back of my couch currently but I did take it with me in my move to WV and then back. It is one of two, my brother has the other one. It is so nice to wrap it around my shoulders on a cold winter night with a cup of tea or glass of wine.

In the end they are worthless to anyone else but to me, but to me they are value beyond price. We fought over that first knitted blanket but now and then we shared it. As the fall and winter nights come on, those blankets will keep me warm as I knit away and drink my tea. So thank you to the women in my life who have kept me warm. I am a bit to sentimental but it is keeping me warm at night.

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