Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Awl Shucks...

He who made it sold it, and he who bought it, lost it? What is it?

Throughout time there have been tools to guide us. Intelligence in creatures and humans is judged by the use of tools. We are also said to have evolved because of the use of tools. From hunting and gathering to hunting and farming. To making our own clothing, the first sewing tools was probably two things a sewing needle and an awl. Sewing needles I have talked about before but I thought I would look at an awl.

Awls are a pointed tool to mark surfaces or creating small holes. Used in wood work, textile work, gardening, metal work, and just about anything you wish to use it for. My family uses an awl to line up the bolts on the docks in the spring. I used to use them when I was helping my dad when working on my car or wood working. (I’ll be honest he used them, I watched.) Recently I was working on some sewing and needed to create a hole in some linen. The Awl came in very handy in forming a hole without tearing at the fabric.

Although the word has been around since the 12th century, the tool is thousands of years older. The tool could have easily been made out of wood and stone to punch holes and mark things before they began creating them of iron.

So the answer to the riddle,

He who made it and sold it? The blacksmith and carpenter (if it has a wooden handle)

He who bought it and lost it? The carpenter, the thatcher (roofer), the blacksmith, the shoemaker, the tailor, the seamstress, and so many more.

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