Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Maketh Oatcakes....

In my work I have a come across a really cool book, The English Housewife; Containing the inward and outward virtues which ought to be in a complete women. Yea it sounds a bit condescending and sexiest, but it was written in a bit of a different time, 1600 to be exact by an Englishman named Gervase Markham. It was written by a man to contain “all the virtuous knowledges and actions both of the mind and body which ought to be in any complete housewife” In it you find instruction to help keep a garden, keep animals, cook, weave, make pie, “dress” a fish, garbage birds and pigs, brew beer, and how to make medicine. There are even directions on making a salve for burned privy parts. So what does that have to do with this week’s blog? I found, (well a former coworker brought it to my attention), a very delicious treat, Oatcakes.

On page 202 of the edited by Michael Best version, Markham discusses this yummy treat and as with just about everything else that he did is vague. As with all his instructions there is no measurements and well let me show you.

“Also there is made of it both thick and thin oaten cakes, which are very pleasant in taste, and much esteemed: but if it be mixed with fine wheat meal, then it maketh a most delicate and dainty oatcake, either thick or thin, such as no prince in the world but may have them served at his table”

It continues about making puddings with oats. Doesn’t say much on how to make them but other recipe books from the time period helped to fill in. I have taken that and made it tasty for the modern world.

2 C. Old fashioned oats, (If you need to release stress get regular oats and beat them up in a mortar and pestle)

½ C. Flour, all purpose or whole wheat

½ C. brown sugar or white sugar

2/3 C. water

1 egg

1 tsp of butter  (melted or softened, both works.)

Your choice of raisins, cran-raisins, chocolate chips (peanut butter or white too), dried fruit, spices, nuts, candy, or honey as wanted

Mix it all together and either fry it in a frying pan thin, or thick till it is as crispy as you like. Try different styles.

Looks yummy

fried in a little bit of butter

Or bake it in a pan at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Yummy…

I used glass pie plates but any pan you Can make them in works just try to keep them thinner than one inch.


The end result made my mouth water and I ate He white chocolate one in one night... so worth it.

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