Thursday, December 11, 2014

Dream cloth

So last night I had a nightmare.  It didn't involve the typical bad dream ingredients, liking running or falling, but was horrible none the less. I dreamed I was sitting in my garden at work, wearing a woolen petticoats, linen waist coat and my best hat. I was talking to visitors when a moth landed on the petticoat. Now for any one who knows fibers it is a well known fact moths and wool do not mix. I swatted the moth a way, it wouldn't leave in fact another one joined it. Eventually I started hitting them, they wouldn't die. I started rubbing my hand on them and although the wings were gone, the legs and most of the body squished they kept enjoying the petticoat.  So I stood up, waved it about and the petticoat disintegrated between my hands. Luckily in my dream I was wearing two but it was at that moment I woke up.

Never mind the fact the petticoat was a forest green with a brown band on the bottom and I have never seen it or worn it before in my life, I have never seen meaner moths. Today cloth is relatively inexpensive, though wool does tend to be on the more expensive side, so when the evil moths do eat a bit of wool we are less upset. Yet wool was the main source of cloth in the Northern European countries, (Linen next) and it is a rather laborious material to prep. From tending the sheep, shearing, than cleaning, next carding or combing, then to spin it, and finally weave or knit it.

Knowing all that it is hard to imagine how upset they might have been to find said moths in the wool.

Author's note: I told this dream to a baking friend of mine. Turns out she is haunted moths too but they are always eating her flour, not wool. Those pesky moths haunting our dreams.

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